Guest Post: Sailing Adventures You Should Definitely Embark On
The world may be a speck of dust in the universe, but it is also vast and enveloped by boundless oceans that give it that particular blue marble colour. However, not every corner is the same, the beauty of nature and people who inhabit the coastal areas differs from place to place and waits for eager adventurers and sailors to explore it. If you are up for that one-of-a-kind vacation that will help you experience our planet’s waters and shores, then let us see what worldwide destinations and regions can satisfy a curious naval globe-trekker.
The Caribbean
This is a huge azure Atlantic nook that divides North America from South America. With its equatorial climate, the annual temperature fluctuations are so small, you can practically visit this part of the world at any time of the year. The waters, which harbour some of the most exotic islands in the world, are calm and pretty much shallow compared to the eastward plunge of the Atlantic ridge. Feel free to drop your anchor every now and then and take a walk on the golden sunny beaches of the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Grenada or Puerto Rico. These are just some of the naturally breath-taking island states that reside on the Caribbean tectonic plate, but bear in mind that the only time you should truly consider dwelling on land is when a hurricane, fed by the Gulf Stream, sweeps the area.
The Americas
Once you reach the continental shores of the Americas, you can paint a different picture with your experiences. If you head to Florida, then the bright-light, dazzling nightlife of Miami and its popular beaches will surely captivate your senses. Mexico is packed with resorts and cultural and natural touristic attractions. You can either stop by at the Yucatán Peninsula, the hub of Mayan civilization, or head through the Panama channel to reach the Pacific shores and climb north again towards the famous Acapulco city. You can always head south on the Atlantic side of the Americas and descend to the globally renown beaches of Brazil, but careful not to go too south, because the Tierra del Fuego region in Argentina is one of the most hostile areas in the world for sailing.
South Pacific
If you have been caught cruising in the Ring of Fire, than the tropical destinations of the South Pacific are where you want to stretch your sea-legs. White-sand beaches, turquoise water, island hospitality, aboriginal culture – this is what spells adventure and tropical unorthodoxy. Either reach the temples of Tonga, or visit the famous Bora Bora’s lagoon, learn how to dive in Tahiti, or just get lost in Fiji. This area is so remote from other parts of the world, you’re undeniably going to be blown away by the autochthonous nature, social standards and myths.
The Indian Ocean and Far East
This is quite a journey, but remember that it will be so different from the Western world in almost every aspect, you’re bound to experience something that you have never experienced before. Start from geologically fascinating Seychelles and the coral atoll Aldabra off the coast of East Africa and head towards the Maldives. This group of islands is slowly but surely being swallowed by the ocean due to climate change and it is a reminder how we must regulate the carbon emission and pacify the greenhouse effect, if we are to avoid such disastrous short-term changes. The exotic shores of Thailand are one of the most attractive destinations out there; and after savouring their peculiar local cuisine, head towards Eastern China to see the mix of tradition and future, especially if you dock in rapidly developing Shanghai.
The Mediterranean
The core of Europe’s history is the place to be. This sea is enclosed by land and divides Europe from Africa, so once your shipwright gives you the green light that your yacht is ready for the tides, make sure to delve deeper into the wonders of the ancient Greeks, the Roman Empire, the consequences of the Hun incursion and even the Vikings’ seafaring endeavors. This continent is the kernel of Christianity, the cradle of Renaissance, the centre of industrial revolution and the mother of Western culture.
With so much importance behind this part of the world, you’re bound to sail across the entire aquatic surface that stretches between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Channel. In South of France, you’ll wine and dine like royalty, Italy is the epicenter of culture, the blue Adriatic and the Dalmatian islands will take your breath away, Turkey’s tourism sector is flourishing like no other, Egypt will already greet you at the Nile Delta and Tunis will show you its deserts and heat. The awe-inspiring Mediterranean is all about natural and cultural diversity melded into one, something you cannot afford to miss.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, a general information of all the Earth’s oceanic beauties. Always do some additional research by yourself to see in details what specific regions and its destinations might peak your interest. Once you set the course, choose your nautical transport and prepare yourself. After that, all that will be left is to just sail away, leave your worries behind and enjoy the voyage.
Author bio:
Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls and a passionate traveler. In her free time, she enjoys exploring new and exciting.
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