How to Take Proper Care of Your Outdoor Gear
There’s nothing better than a camping holiday because, with the minimum of fuss and equipment, it allows you to explore wherever you want to go. It offers freedom like no other vacation, and in this great country of ours, there are certainly lots of places to see and enjoy. Whether you plan on camping for a week or simply want to hit the trail for a day or two’s hiking, you’ll need the right gear and you’ll need to be able to rely on it, whatever the elements throw at you. That’s why it’s essential to take proper care of your outdoor gear, so here’s our four-part guide to doing just that.
Take Care of Your Hiking Shoe Health
Look after your hiking shoes and your hiking shoes will look after you. There’s nothing worse than walking for mile after mile in shoes that aren’t giving you the support you need, that feel cramped or damaged, or that let water in, but proper shoe maintenance can negate these problems. High-quality hiking shoes are a must however far you plan on walking, so take time to find a pair that’s exactly right for you. Once purchased, you should always take great care of them by brushing off any mud after you finish hiking and then placing them upside down to let moisture escape. If you see cracks in the boots then it’s time to moisturize them and check them for their waterproofing qualities on a regular basis – if water doesn’t bead up when hitting them then you need to use a re-waterproofing product, which you can find online or in a camping store. Check out my review of my Dolomite hiking boots.
Tent Care
Sleeping under canvas can be a magical experience at any age, as long as the canvas has been taken good care of. The key to tent care is to remove moisture from your tent after use before you store it away, or else you could face a potentially dangerous build-up of mold. Remove dirt and leave it to dry out if any sign of damp is present. Always pay particular attention to seams and corners, as this is where moisture can accumulate. Once it’s thoroughly dry, you can then roll it up and pack it away, but of course, it’s important to avoid rips and tears during this process.
Looking After Waterproof Clothing
You never know when a downpour will arrive in the great outdoors, so you should always have a waterproof coat and leggings close to hand. These items are given their protection by a Durable Water Repellant, but some of these repellants are more durable than others. Always be on the lookout for the first sign of water penetrating this barrier, and don’t wait to take positive action as once the protective coating has become compromised, it can quickly become useless, leaving you damp and miserable. You don’t necessarily have to discard coats and trousers that let water in, as a re-treatment with a DWP product can revive their effectiveness.
Keep Your Electronic Items Ready for Action
There are many camping items that typically use batteries, from torches and lanterns to radios and portable chargers, and it’s important that they are ready to use whenever you flick the switch. Unfortunately, if they have been in storage between camping trips and the batteries have leaked, that just won’t happen. That’s why it’s essential to remove batteries from electrical items before storing the item away. Of course, the flip side to this is that you must also remember to put the batteries back in place before heading out.
With electrical items ready for use, waterproof clothing, moisture and rip free tent, and a great pair of hiking shoes that won’t let you down, you really are ready for the camping and hiking adventure of a lifetime. There’s a whole country waiting to be explored, so why follow the crowd when you can take the path less traveled?
Please share your best tips for taking care of your outdoor gear in the comments below, on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.