Author: Jesper
Top 4 Things To Do in Cancun, Mexico
2015 was a record year for tourism in Cancun; according to the Office of Visitors and Conventions, the city welcomed more than five million visitors –the largest number ever recorded. […]
5 Bizarre Things to do in Oregon
Although it is probably not the first thing that pops into everyone’s mind, when we mention a US tour, Pacific Northwest simply has so much to offer. Its crown jewel, […]
How to Start Your own Travel Blog
Since the dawn of time, there hasn’t been an activity more fulfilling than traveling. Going around the world, mingling with people from different cultures, getting accustomed to different biomes and […]
5 Awesome Destinations for the Brokenhearted
Thinking about travelling soon after your divorce might sound insane at first, since you might be feeling sad or just too exhausted from everything going on. If you never travelled […]
Your Guide to Travelling on a Budget
A tight travel budget is a nasty thing: from lousy accommodation to suspicious-looking takeout meals, a modest piggy bank will make you scream on the inside counting cents on the […]
Expat Tips for Life in Costa Rica
The ever-growing popularity of the life as an expatriate has never been more rewarding than nowadays. With a long tradition behind it, expatriation has developed a huge culture behind it […]
How to Leave Everything Behind and Travel the World
Have you ever thought about leaving everything and simply buying a plane ticket for an unknown destination? Do you feel restless and voracious for travelling and seeing other places, countries, […]
Preparing Your car for a Long Road Trip: the Ultimate Checklist
Preparing for a long road trip? Not sure whether your vehicle will hold up? Try some of these tips to ensure that your trip will go as smoothly as possible. […]
How to Save Money on a Holiday in Australia
If you are planning your holiday and are headed to Australia bear in mind that you will be needing a good and concise traveling plan. Since the trip itself is […]
10 Things to Do While in America
Tourists often have a hard time choosing activities and places to check out during their first visit to America. No blame there either: the offer of interesting programs, attractions and […]