Abbreviations & Acronyms.
The travel trade loves its abbreviations and acronyms. The only industry I can think of using abbrevations more is the computer industry. This is a short list of abbreviations and acronyms that can be good to know when reading or speaking about travel.
- AC = Aircraft.
- ACRISS = Association of Car Rental Industry Systems Standards. The car codes for rental cars.
- APEX = Advance Purchase Excursion Fare. A type of ticket that is almost extinct nowadays since airline pricing has changed a lot the last 10 years.
- APT = Airport (or Airline Passenger Tariff which is a discontnued thick book with IATA-fares).
- ARC = Airlines Reporting Corporation. An organisation who collects fares from travel agents and distributes it to the airlines. Most commonly used in USA. See BSP for Europe.
- ARNK = Arrival Unknown. The portion that is land transportation in an air ticket. See SOJ.
- BSP = is short for Bank Settlement Plan. An organisation who collects fares from travel agents and distributes it to the airlines. Most commonly used in Europe. See ARC for USA.
- C = Booking class used for travel in Business Class.
- CLIA = Cruise Lines International Association ID number. Similar to ARC but without the possibility to issue IATA tickets.
- CONUS = Continental US.
- CRS = Central Reservation System. CRS is usually the booking department for a chain of hotels.
- CTO = City Ticket Office.
- DBL = Double room.
- DLX = Deluxe room. (Can be combined with DBL, i.e. DBL DLX)
- DMC = Destination Management Company, is a local agent on the destination.
- DMO = Destination Marketing Organization.
- Economy = yes, it is Coach.
- EMD = Electronic Miscellaneous Document. Previously called MCO.
- F = Booking class used for travel in First Class.
- Fare Ladder = This is where the fare is outlined on the ticket and in the booking.
- FCPI = Fare Calculation Pricing Indicator.
- FF = Frequent Flier.
- FQTV = Frequent Traveller.
- GBTA = Global Business Travel Association.
- GDS = Global Distribution System (Sometimes a little wrongfully called a CRS).
- HTL = Hotel.
- IATA = International Airline Transport Association which is a trade organisation for the airline industry. Please visit http://www.iata.org/ for more information.
- IATA Code – is the three letter code for an airport or city assigned by IATA. One example is LON for London Airports where LHR is the specific code for London Heathrow Airport.
- Interline Agreement = two different airlines on the same ticket. I.e starting your trip with BA from London and changing to Qantas on your way to Sydney.
- ISO = International Organization for Standardization.
- J = Booking class used for travel in Business Class.
- LIAC = Late Incoming Aircraft
- LCC = Low Cost Carrier
- M = Booking class used for travel in Economy Class.
- MCO = Miscellaneous Charge Order. Substituted by EMD:s nowadays.
- MICE = Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events.
- MLOS = Minimum Lenght Of Stay. Expression commonly used with discounted hotel rates.
- MOA = Memorandum Of Agreement.
- OAG = Official Airlines Guide.
- OJ = Open Jaw. See SOJ too.
- OTA = Online Travel Agent.
- P = Booking class used for travel in First Class.
- PAX = Passenger.
- PTA = Prepaid Ticket Advice.
- RAR = Revenue Analysis Report.
- RBD = Booking Class of a Flight.
- RES = Reservation.
- REN = Refund Exchange Notice.
- RT = Round Trip or Return.
- RTW = Round The World. Some carriers or alliances offer special, discounted tickets around the world.
- SGL = Single room.
- Slot = alloted time for aircraft movement at an airport. In other words times the airline may have their aircraft parked at the airport.
- SOJ = Single Open Jaw. A ticket New York – Los Angeles / San Francisco is an Single Open Jaw when constructed on half roundtrip fares. The transportation Los Angeles – San Francisco is an ARNK.
- SOP = Standard Operating Procedure.
- TIMATIC = Travel Information Manual Automatic. Database with visa and entry regulations for almost every country on earth.
- TWN = Twin bedded room.
- UCCF = Universal Credit Card Charge Form. Extinct nowadays and taken over by electronic transactions.
- Y = Bookings class used for travel in Economy.
- Z = Time Zone Coordinator. Also known as GMT.
This is a working document and updated continously. Please let us know if we are missing anything! We would love to hear from you via email, in the comments below, on Twitter, Facebook , Instagram or Google+.