10 Ways to Entertain Your Kid during the Flight
It is usually pretty difficult for the kids to fly – they do not feel comfortable just sitting in one place for several hours. They want to run, scream, and play, however, it is not really appropriate on board. That is why the smart parents get ready for the flight with the kids by preparing the ways to entertain them. As a result, the kid is busy, the parents can relax during the flight, and the passengers are not bothered. We have prepared ten ways to entertain your kid during the flight – are you interested? Then keep on reading!
1. Games/Cartoons/Movies on Tablet
No matter how old your kid is, s/he will be interested in using your tablet especially if you do not allow him/her to use it on a daily basis. Downloading games, cartoons, or movies will be an amazing decision because this is the best way to entertain your child.
2. Drawing
Traveling with toddlers can be quite difficult, however, you should buy a drawing-book or a coloring book and engage your child in expressing him/herself with the help of colors and forms. Drawing and coloring can take so much time, the kid will not even notice how you arrive at the point of destination.
3. Longer Lasting Food
The child is occupied when s/he is eating. But the regular sandwich will be eaten in two minutes, and the kid will be bored again. Instead, buy some raisins – they are healthy and last rather long. You should also consider strawberries, grapes, and cherries, but no candies – yes, the kid will be more than happy to eat them all the way, however, it is bad for his/her health.
4. Highly Interactive Books
Airplane for kids is a difficult experience, but think about how useful the books can be. Yes, they are rather heavy, but they are worth it. Choose the book with many images and entertain the child by looking at those together. The ideal book would be Where’s Wally with its hundreds of tiny details that the kids simply adore.
5. Play Dough
Your kid will be occupied with the play dough for the whole flight if it has numerous colors. The quality of the play dough might be different, however, if it takes the needed shapes when heated, your child will be more than happy. Yes, it might be a bit messy, but definitely better than trying to make him learn something new, because your kid might just get hysterical about that. After growing up, kids will probably show how they need you to pay for research papers online for them. But, at least now you’ll be in quiet.
6. Kaleidoscope
We know how exhausting baby travel can be. Kaleidoscope might not occupy your child for the whole flight, however, you would be able to have a rest for one-hour minimum. The kid would explore the views from the window with different color patterns and enjoy the time.
7. Lego
If you take a big construction set on board, you can be sure that the kid will be occupied until s/he creates the toy out of Lego. The bigger set you consider, the longer your child will be entertained. Be ready to leave the majority of its parts on board though because the kid will lose many of those.
8. Card Games
Any kid would love to play some easy card games. Consider Uno or Alias – the latter will occupy him/her for the whole flight, however, you will need to participate in it because the more participants, the better. You might be stuck with some rules that the kid will struggle to remember, however, the point is to have fun and not to follow every rule.
9. New Toys Given within Regular Intervals
It will be a good idea to wrap different small toys and give them to your kid at regular intervals. Each time you are going to give him/her the new toy, s/he will be surprised and occupied with it for the definite amount of time. You have to be aware of when the kid gets bored with the old toy and offer him/her the new one.
10. Puzzles
Depending on the size and the complexity of the puzzle, your child will forget about everything that is going on around him/her. The only problem with a puzzle is that some pieces might be lost under the seats. That is why make sure you buy several small ones. When the puzzle is done, you can put some tape on its back and save it as a picture.
Do you have more tips on how keep children entertained during a flight? Please get in touch via the comment function below, via email,on Twitter, Facebook , Instagram or Google+.